The Addis Ababa Action Agenda emphasizes that private business activity, investment and innovation are major drivers of productivity, inclusive economic growth and job creation. Long-term private investment is critical to support growth, employment and structural transformation, and needs to be aligned with social inclusion and environmental sustainability. The Addis Agenda also emphasizes the importance of mobilizing stable longer-term private finance, both domestic and international, in ways that further sustainable development. The Agenda welcomes private sector corporate responsibility initiatives, while also exploring policy and regulatory frameworks to better align business and finance with sustainable development. It also stresses the role of financial inclusion for achieving sustainable development, as well as the importance of designing regulatory and policy frameworks across all financial intermediation that encourage access to finance and financial market stability in a balanced manner. In addition, it includes commitments aimed at facilitating the flow of international remittances, emphasizing the relationship between remittances and inclusive finance. There are also commitments on the potential role of philanthropy (see Addis Ababa Action Area monitoring by topic below).