Seville Spain

About FFD4

The 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD4), is scheduled to take place from 30 June to 3 July 2025 in Seville, Spain.

FFD4 aspires to build a renewed global financing framework that will unlock greater volumes of capital at a lower cost, building on previous financing agreements.  The draft outcome calls for actions to deliver an impact-focused SDG investment push and to reform the international financial architecture to enable the transformative change that the world urgently needs.

UN Secretary-General’s Message for the First Preparatory Committee Session for FFD4

Spain Prime Minister Announces Location of FFD4 Conference

Preparatory Process for FFD4

Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee 

General Assembly resolution 78/231 established an intergovernmental Preparatory Committee to make the organizational, procedural and substantive preparations for the Conference, with a Bureau consisting of three members from each regional group.  

The Committee adopted the annotated provisional agenda of its work and a draft decision on further modalities of the Conference during the organizational session.  

Subsequent sessions of the Preparatory Committee are being held as follows: 

  • First session:Addis Ababa from 22 to 26 July 2024
  • Second session: New York from 3-6 December 2024
  • Third session:New York from 10-14 February 2025
  • Fourth session: New York from 30 April - 1 May 2025  

A one-day intersessional Multistakeholder Hearing was convened in New York on 28 October 2024, as part of the preparatory process for the Conference. 

The Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee is Co-Chaired by the following Permanent Representatives of the Committee:

H.E. Mr. Zéphyrin Maniratanga, Permanent Representative of Burundi to the UN and 
H.E. Mr. Rui Vinhas, Permanent Representative of Portugal to the UN 

The Vice-Chairs of the Preparatory Committee elected from each regional group were: 

  • African States: South Africa and Zambia.
  • Asia-Pacific States: China, Islamic Republic of Iran, Nepal and Pakistan serve as a Vice-Chairs on a rotational basis.  
  • Eastern European States: Poland and the Russian Federation.
  • Latin American and Caribbean States: Brazil, Colombia and Mexico
  • Western European and other States: Canada and Norway. 

On 19 June 2024, the Co-Chairs of the FFD4 Preparatory Committee announced that Mexico, Nepal, Norway and Zambia would co-facilitate the negotiations of the FFD4 outcome document.