Inputs to the Outcome Document
This section compiles key contributions to the Outcome Paper.
IATF and Other International Organizations
Financing in Fragile and Humanitarian Settings
This brief presents evidence on coverage and financing gaps for universal social protection (USP), offering actionable recommendations for FfD4. The ILO estimates that to ensure at least a social protection floor, low- and middle-income countries require an additional investment of US$ 1.4 trillion (3.3 per cent of the aggregate GDP) of these countries. To close the financing gap countries must increase investment in social protection, raising effective coverage by 2 percentage points annually (SDG indicator 1.3.1). At the international level, debt relief should move at a faster pace and access to international emergency financing must be enhanced to enable regular investment in USP in a climate-volatile world and avoid repeated rounds of austerity.
Global FDI flows declined since 2015, hindering progress towards the SDGs. FfD4 should seek to leverage partnerships between investment stakeholders, enhance countries’ readiness to attract investment in SDG, and promote home-country initiatives to channel investment. SWFs and institutional investors possess substantial capital that can be directed toward infrastructure and SDG, while more de-risking initiatives need to be developed. Systematic efforts to advance sustainability standards and address greenwashing is essential to grow sustainable finance.
The global financial system faces critical challenges, particularly for developing countries, including debt crises and financing gaps. Intensified South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTrC) can offer innovative policy solutions. Recommendations include scaling up debt management strategies, upscaling innovative solutions, strengthening regional development banks, and creating regional infrastructure bonds to pool risks and lower borrowing costs. Expanding contingency financing mechanisms and establishing data-sharing platforms are essential for financial stability. FFD4 presents a key opportunity to advance these SSTrC-driven initiatives for sustainable development.
Linked to 70% of the SDG targets, digital infrastructure is a cornerstone for developing digital economies and achieving the SDGs. Yet, with 2.6 billion unconnected people, building the necessary infrastructure to achieve universal connectivity requires significant funding. Closing the investment gap necessitates optimizing traditional investments, while also identifying adequate financing mechanisms to improve project attractiveness and attract new investors. Multi-stakeholder collaboration is crucial for devising innovative strategies to bridge the financing gap, ensuring universal, meaningful connectivity by 2030.
The momentum to measure South-South cooperation is growing rapidly, spurred by the endorsement of SDG indicator 17.3.1 and the voluntary ‘Framework to Measure South-South Cooperation’. Developed by the global South, the Framework aims to provide data on South-South cooperation to enable first-ever globally inclusive information on international development support by reflecting the realities of the global South. To unlock its full potential, significant support, technical training, harmonized tools, and targeted assistance, is needed for countries.
Financing for Sustainable Progress to Universal Health Coverage
This policy brief highlights the challenges faced by Asia-Pacific developing economies, in particular LDCs, in tapping the potential of digital trade opportunities to finance sustainable development and discusses some potential policy solutions. It focuses on promoting domestic resource mobilization, fostering international cooperation, and supporting LDCs to participate in digital trade. The key recommendations include closing the digital divide, establishing coordinated digital tax frameworks, strengthening regulatory cooperation, and building digital-trade capacity for MSMEs and marginalized groups.
Financing for Gender Equality
This briefing addresses two action areas of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (the outcome document of FfD3): 1) domestic and international private business and finance; and 2) systemic issues. It is based on PRI’s 2023 policy white paper, Investing for the Economic Transition: The Case for Whole-of-Government Policy Reform
Forced Displacement - Comprehensive Finance for Affected Countries
This policy brief addresses the $1.5 trillion global trade finance gap, which disproportionately impacts small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing economies. It outlines key challenges, including high rejection rates and compliance costs, and proposes targeted solutions such as expanding risk-sharing frameworks, strengthening local financial institutions, and promoting climate-friendly trade finance. The brief emphasizes the need for multilateral cooperation to close the gap, promote inclusive growth, and support the transition to a low-carbon global economy.
Investment is necessary but not sufficient for achieving inclusive economic growth and decent work. The ILO MNE Declaration provides an investment framework for coherent and synergistic policies concerning job creation, enterprise development, formalization, skills development and protection of workers’ rights. Consultation with social partners can ensure that decent work is prioritized while also enabling enterprises to grow. And dialogue between host and home countries could lead to better alignment of policies and ODA to support investment facilitation for development.
Sovereign Debt Workout Mechanisms: The G20 Common Framework and Beyond
To make measurable progress in combatting illicit financial flows related to the proceeds of crime Member States should prioritize preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism, including in the outcomes of the Fourth Financing for Development Conference and resolutions. Financial crime has direct negative macroeconomic impacts and preventing it is foundational to sustainable development. It can only be addressed through a whole of government approach. Safeguarding payments and remittance flows, developing stable and inclusive financial sectors capable of supporting inclusive economic growth and protecting domestic resource mobilization all require a foundation of financial integrity grounded in effective, risk-based Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) frameworks.
Making Finance work for People and Planet - Strengthening Country Financing Systems through Integrated National Financing Frameworks