
FFD4 Header - Sunrise over the Bay


View the Information Note for the First Session here


How to participate

There are different processes and deadlines for accreditation and registration to the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development, and its First session of the Preparatory Committee.

Please note: The United Nations does not charge fees for participation in Conferences and Events. If you are aware of possible scams, please send an email to the Secretariat ( 



Registration for Governments, International Organizations, and UN system

Registration of the official delegations of participating States and of the European Union, intergovernmental organizations and entities that have observer status with the General Assembly, associate members of the regional commissions, intergovernmental organizations, as well as relevant organizations and bodies of the United Nations system, is handled through the INDICO registration system. Registration procedure and further details are explained in this Note Verbale.


To register for 1st Session of Preparatory Committee:


For questions or concerns regarding registration, contact


Civil Society Organizations


ECOSOC-Accredited Civil Society Organizations

*Registration for representatives of ECOSOC-accredited NGOs is now open*

Non-governmental organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC (Special, General or Roster consultative status) can apply now. You can check if your organization has consultative status here: United Nations Civil Society Participation – Consultative status

To register for 1st Session of Preparatory Committee please click here:


Civil Society Organizations, Private Sector, and Academia with Special Accreditation or previously accredited to International Conferences on Financing for Development

*Registration for representatives of other specially accredited organizations is now open*

Organizations that have received special accreditation by the United Nations General Assembly to the First session of the Preparatory Committee for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development, or that were accredited to the previous international conferences on financing for development held in Monterrey, Mexico, in Doha and in Addis Ababa or to their follow-up processes. The list of previously and specially accredited organizations to international conferences on financing for development and follow-up processes can be viewed here

To register for 1st Session of Preparatory Committee please click here:


Non-Accredited Civil Society Organizations

Accreditation for the first preparatory committee session is now closed. However, the accreditation process will reopen after the first session. Check this site regularly for updates.



Intergovernmental Organizations


Non-Accredited Intergovernmental Organizations


*Kindly note that the deadline for ad hoc/special accreditation of IGOs for the 1st Preparatory Session closed on 20 June 2024. Accreditation will reopen after the 1st Session. *


Intergovernmental organizations that have not received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly or that were not accredited to the previous international conferences on financing for development held in Monterrey, Mexico, in Doha and in Addis Ababa or to their follow-up processes, and that are interested in obtaining an ad hoc accreditation for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development and its preparatory process may submit an application addressed to the President of the General Assembly.

Interested IGOs are invited to send a letter from the head of the organization on official letterhead (with the original signature) addressed to the President of the General Assembly requesting for ad hoc accreditation to the Conference and describing the work of the organization related to the Conference objectives; provide copies of the treaty establishing the organization; information concerning the date of entry into force of the treaty and those States that are parties to the treaty; provide information on the membership of the organization; and submit the latest annual report.

Upon review of the applications by the Secretariat, the applications will be forwarded to the General Assembly for its consideration.

Only after the approval by the General Assembly, will the representatives of the ad hoc accredited IGO be issued a Conference pass in accordance with the same procedures for other approved participants.

The letter addressed to the President of the General Assembly should be sent to:

Secretariat of the Conference 
Mr. Ziad Mahmassani 




International and local media may apply now. International media is kindly advised to attach the required forms available at the bottom of the registration portal.

To register for 1st Session of Preparatory Committee please click here:


More information regarding registration, FAQs, etc. will be made available shortly. Check this site regularly for the latest updates.