Seville Spain

Inputs to the Outcome Document

This section compiles key contributions to the Outcome Paper.

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

IATF and Other International Organizations

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: IFAD
Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources

Reducing poverty, ending hunger and fulfilling the 2030 Agenda is possible by increasing targeted investments where they are needed the most. Increased financing for food systems as key accelerators to achieve the SDGs is needed along with better targeting of vulnerable groups, including rural communities, small-scale producers (especially women and youth) and Indigenous Peoples to leave no one behind. Recommendations include increasing ODA for sustainable food systems, climate adaptation and rural development, strengthening PDBs and MDBs, leveraging remittances, and rechanneling SDRs to mobilize grater investments for sustainable food systems, rural development and climate adaptation.

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: UNIDO
Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources

Scaling up public and private investments in sustainable industrialization is a key to closing the SDG financing gap in developing countries. This UNIDO policy brief discusses how modern SDG-oriented industrial policies, complemented by innovative financing mechanisms and capacity-building, can play an important role in directing financing towards strategic investments and sectors, thus accelerating progress towards the SDGs.