Seville Spain

Inputs to the Outcome Document

This section compiles key contributions to the Outcome Paper.

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

IATF and Other International Organizations

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: UNIDO
Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources

Scaling up public and private investments in sustainable industrialization is a key to closing the SDG financing gap in developing countries. This UNIDO policy brief discusses how modern SDG-oriented industrial policies, complemented by innovative financing mechanisms and capacity-building, can play an important role in directing financing towards strategic investments and sectors, thus accelerating progress towards the SDGs.

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: IFAD-IOM
Action Areas: Domestic and International Private Business and Finance

Remittances and diaspora investments are a major source of external private finance crucial for achieving SDGs, but their full potential remains largely untapped. Member States should acknowledge their potential and renew and expand their commitments to maximize their impact to development, ensuring access to formal, affordable, and secure remittance services through supportive regulations, improved payment systems, digital solutions, and promoting financial inclusion for both migrants and their families back home. At the same time, Member States should facilitate and support diaspora investments to homeland SMEs by creating diaspora engagement strategies and supportive environments, capacity-building for diaspora members, involve them in policy development, remove investment barriers, and provide adequate mechanisms to crowd in their investment.