Seville Spain

Inputs to the Outcome Document

This section compiles key contributions to the Outcome Paper.

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

IATF and Other International Organizations

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: UNODC
Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources

Corruption is a cross-cutting issue, impacting all aspects of the financing for development agenda. Neglecting to adequately address corruption could jeopardize the entire process. By including and investing in proven anti-corruption measures and strengthening international cooperation in the recovery of proceeds of corruption, we can ensure that financial resources are effectively mobilized and safeguarded for development. Corruption is a cross-cutting issue, impacting all aspects of the financing for development agenda. Neglecting to adequately address corruption could jeopardize the entire process. By including and investing in proven anti-corruption measures and strengthening international cooperation in the recovery of proceeds of corruption, we can ensure that financial resources are effectively mobilized and safeguarded for development.

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: OECD

Financing in Contexts Facing Extreme to High Fragility