Seville Spain

Inputs to the Outcome Document

This section compiles key contributions to the Outcome Paper.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

IATF and Other International Organizations

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: UNHCR

Forced Displacement - Comprehensive Finance for Affected Countries

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: UNESCO
Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources

This policy brief explores the urgent need to close the global education financing gap to meet SDG4 targets by 2030. With a shortfall of US$97 billion annually in low- and lower-middle-income countries, the lack of adequate public funding threatens broader development goals like poverty reduction, social stability, and climate action. The brief calls for long-term sustainable financing solutions, including increasing domestic resource mobilization, enhancing international cooperation, addressing debt distress, and further scaling innovative financing, to ensure equitable access to quality education and drive long-term socioeconomic progress.

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: UNESCO
Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources

Culture is now recognized as a key driver of inclusive sustainable development, as recently evidenced in the UN Pact for the Future. However, culture remains sidelined in discussions and policies on the financing of sustainable development. A more systematic integration of culture into financing frameworks – spanning domestic public resources, private sector investments, development cooperation and trade – is fundamental for accelerating the implementation of 2030 Agenda and for advancing sustainable development in the post-2030 agenda, including through culture as a stand-alone goal.