Seville Spain

Inputs to the Outcome Document

This section compiles key contributions to the Outcome Paper.

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

IATF and Other International Organizations

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: IFC
Action Areas: Domestic and International Private Business and Finance

IFC’s brief outlines some of the necessary conditions for continued growth in the application of blended finance for private sector projects in emerging markets and developing economies to address global challenges like climate, fragility, food security, and gender. Enhanced transparency, new sources of flexible concessional finance, and continued collaboration between stakeholders are identified as key factors in helping the market scale to meet the SDG funding gap.

Category: IATF and Other International Organizations
Country/Source: USP 2030
Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources

This brief highlights the importance of financing social protection to achieve multiple SDGs and realized the right to social protection. It outlines key solutions for financing social protection systems, emphasizing the need to prioritize social protection spending within government budgets and better coordinate and increase international financial support. It provides actionable recommendations, including enhanced spending, progressive and effective taxation, and global financial mechanisms to address persistent coverage gaps and ensure adequate social protection for all.