Organization Brief


"Addressing Representation Issues of Developing Countries in International Financial Institutions"

Summary: Voting right imbalances persist in international financial institutions with respect to the population and size of the economy of their member states. Aiming for greater influence on financing policy decisions impacting developing countries, Asia-Pacific member states should continue on institutional reform discussions. However, strengthening of regional financial institutions in parallel as a complementary approach.

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Action Areas: Addressing Systemic Issues; International Development Cooperation; Cross-Cutting Issues



"Enhancing Synergies Between Global Commitments and Aligning Financial Flows" 

Summary: This brief focuses on the importance of strengthening the coherence and consistency of the international development system with respect to financing sustainable development and climate ambitions. It highlights the fragmented approaches to financing currently prevalent and underscores the need to integrate international commitments regarding sustainable development and climate ambitions with national investment planning and financing processes. A similar integrated approach is called for at the global level as well.

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Action Areas: Domestic and International Private Business and Finance; Addressing Systemic Issues; International Development Cooperation



"Reform of the International Financial Architecture to Tackle Global Challenges"

Summary: The global finance landscape remains fragmented, insufficient, and not fit-for-purpose, limiting access for developing countries most in need. Urgent reforms are required to simplify access, scale up concessional finance, and mobilize private sector capital through blended finance mechanisms. Strengthening country ownership and improving transparency across financial flows are key priorities. The Fourth Conference on Financing for Development (FFD4) should advocate for these reforms to close the sustainable development finance gap and accelerate progress toward global goals, especially for vulnerable and low-income countries. FFD4 must be the running point that transforms global financing landscape into a truly inclusive, scalable, impactable, fit-for-purpose and sustainable engine for achieving the SDGs, Post-2015 development Agenda, and Paris Agreement goals by 2030.

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Action Areas: Addressing Systemic Issues; International Development Cooperation; Domestic and International Private Business and Finance



"Financing for Food Systems and Rural Development: Building Connected, Equitable, Resilient and Prosperous Economies"

Summary: Reducing poverty, ending hunger and fulfilling the 2030 Agenda is possible by increasing targeted investments where they are needed the most. Increased financing for food systems as key accelerators to achieve the SDGs is needed along with better targeting of vulnerable groups, including rural communities, small-scale producers (especially women and youth) and Indigenous Peoples to leave no one behind. Recommendations include increasing ODA for sustainable food systems, climate adaptation and rural development, strengthening PDBs and MDBs, leveraging remittances, and rechanneling SDRs to mobilize grater investments for sustainable food systems, rural development and climate adaptation.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; International Development Cooperation; Cross-Cutting Issues



"The Role of Remittances and Diaspora Investments in Financing the SDGs"

Summary: Remittances and diaspora investments are a major source of external private finance crucial for achieving SDGs, but their full potential remains largely untapped. Member States should acknowledge their potential and renew and expand their commitments to maximize their impact to development, ensuring access to formal, affordable, and secure remittance
services through supportive regulations, improved payment systems, digital solutions, and promoting financial inclusion for both migrants and their families back home. At the same time, Member States should facilitate and support diaspora investments to homeland SMEs
by creating diaspora engagement strategies and supportive environments, capacity-building for diaspora members, involve them in policy development, remove investment barriers, and provide adequate mechanisms to crowd in their investment.

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Action Areas: Domestic and International Private Business and Finance; Cross-Cutting Issues; International Development Cooperation



"Financing Inclusive Structural Transformation"

Summary: This policy brief emphasizes the need for financing inclusive structural transformation to foster economic growth, create decent jobs, and ensure sustainable development. Developing countries face challenges due to limited financial resources, premature deindustrialization, and a shift towards low-productivity sectors. The brief recommends strengthening national public development banks, forming public-private alliances, and adopting tailored macroeconomic frameworks. These efforts, combined with social partner involvement and multilateral cooperation, are crucial to overcoming financing barriers and supporting long-term, inclusive development.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; Science, Technology, Innovation and Capacity Building; International Development Cooperation



"Aligning Financial Systems with a Just Transition"

Summary: Addressing both social and environmental objectives is essential to mitigate risks and seize opportunities related to the low-carbon transition. A just transition requires supportive financial flows and enabling financial systems. Member States can support mobilization of financial resources for a just transition by leveraging public development banks, incentivizing the use of financing instruments that attract private capital, developing comprehensive sustainable finance frameworks that consider social and environmental objectives, and developing capacities within the financial system.

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Action Areas: Domestic and International Private Business and Finance; Science, Technology, Innovation, and Capacity Building; International Development Cooperation



"The Role of Domestic Revenue Mobilization in Achieving the SDGs"

Summary: This joint Brief by IMF, OECD and WBG emphasizes the critical role of Domestic Revenue Mobilization (DRM) in addressing the financing gap for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in low-income countries. It highlights the need for comprehensive tax reforms, enhanced compliance, and international cooperation to increase tax revenues. The brief advocates for utilizing the upcoming FFD4 conference to strengthen tax capacity and align policies with sustainable development objectives.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources, International Development Cooperation



"Financing in Contexts Facing Extreme to High Fragility"

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Action Areas: Addressing Systemic Issues, International Development Cooperation




"The Human Rights Case for a Reform of the International Sovereign Debt Architecture"

Summary: This policy brief argues that the international financial architecture requires a radical transformation to resume progress and advance on human rights, including the right to development, climate action and the commitments outlined in the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. There is a need for a multilateral legal framework on sovereign debt, grounded in international human rights principles and standards, where all creditors, including private creditors participate on an equal footing to ensure a fair and effective resolution of debt crisis.

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Action Areas: Debt and Debt Sustainability, International Development Cooperation



"Human Rights-based Finance for the Environment"

Summary: This policy brief advocates for a human rights enhancing approach to financing for sustainable development, emphasizing environmental action that prioritizes vulnerable communities. It calls for mobilizing resources to address historical inequities, ensuring meaningful participation in financing decisions, and implementing safeguards to prevent human rights violations. It recommends reshaping international financial architecture to prioritize concessional financing for those most affected by environmental harm and establishing mechanisms for direct and equitable access to climate finance.

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Action Areas: Science, Technology, Innovation, and Capacity-Building, International Development Cooperation



"Keeping Global Financing Promises: Advancing Development, Human Rights, and International Cooperation"

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Action Areas: Addressing Systemic Issues, International Development Cooperation

UN Women

UN Women

"Financing for Gender Equality"

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; International Development Cooperation; Cross-Cutting Issues​



"Breaking the Chains: Reimagining and Leveraging Public Debt and Domestic Resource Mobilization to end the AIDS Pandemics and Achieve the Global Goals"

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources, International Development Cooperation, Systemic Issues



"Strategic Financing for the Energy Transition: Addressing Challenges and Unlocking Opportunities in Critical Energy Transition Minerals" 

Summary: The policy brief emphasizes the need for a long-term perspective and a stable investment environment for CETM projects, highlighting the importance of clear government regulations. It advocates expanding the capital base in developing countries through innovative financing mechanisms and lowering borrowing costs via international cooperation. The policy brief also underscores the importance of a holistic approach to financing, promoting value addition and diversification throughout the CETM value chain.

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Action Areas: Domestic and International Private Business and Finance; International Development Cooperation; Science, Technology, Innovation, and Capacity Building​



"Sovereign Debt Workout Mechanisms: The G20 Common Framework and Beyond"

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Action Areas: Debt and Debt Sustainability, International Development Cooperation



"Bridging the SDG Investment Gap: Mobilizing International Investment for Sustainable Development"

Summary: Global FDI flows declined since 2015, hindering progress towards the SDGs. FfD4 should seek to leverage partnerships between investment stakeholders, enhance countries’ readiness to attract investment in SDG, and promote home-country initiatives to channel investment. SWFs and institutional investors possess substantial capital that can be directed toward infrastructure and SDG, while more de-risking initiatives need to be developed.  Systematic efforts to advance sustainability standards and address greenwashing is essential to grow sustainable finance.

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Action Areas: Domestic and International Private Business and Finance, International Development Cooperation 



"Tracking Illicit Financial Flows for Effective Action"

Summary: Illicit financial flows (IFFs) significantly drain resources, with trade-IFFs alone accounting 5-30% of total goods trade in pilot countries, financing crime, exacerbating inequalities and instability. Effective action requires data-informed analytics, whole-of-government approaches and stronger international cooperation for common tools and technologies. All countries need evidence-based policies to address IFFs, allowing crime prevention rather than costly corrective measures. FfD4 outcome should prioritize these strategies, resourcing data reporting and establishing a platform for collaboration and methods development.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; International Development Cooperation; Systemic Issues​



"Multilateral Credit: Filling in the Financial Gap?"

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources, International Development Cooperation



"South-South Data to Inform Development Support and Financing Debates"

Summary: The momentum to measure South-South cooperation is growing rapidly, spurred by the endorsement of SDG indicator 17.3.1 and the voluntary ‘Framework to Measure South-South Cooperation’. Developed by the global South, the Framework aims to provide data on South-South cooperation to enable first-ever globally inclusive information on international development support by reflecting the realities of the global South. To unlock its full potential, significant support, technical training, harmonized tools, and targeted assistance, is needed for countries.

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Action Areas: International Development Cooperation; Cross-Cutting Issues; Science, Technology, Innovation, and Capacity Building​



"Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Equitable Global Development: A Pathway to Achieving the SDGs"

Summary: Integrating Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) into Financing for Development is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While technological advancements offer opportunities, they can disrupt growth pathways and increase inequalities if mismanaged. Key recommendations include directing technology to create middle-class jobs and labour-absorbing sectors, improving access to scientific knowledge and technological innovations through open science and flexible intellectual property regimes, fostering South-South cooperation, and mobilizing development financing, including Official Development Assistance (ODA) to close technological gaps.

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Action Areas: Science, Technology, Innovation, and Capacity Building; International Development Cooperation; Systemic Issues



"Perspectives for the Financing Culture as a Stand-alone Goal in the Post-2030 Agenda"

Summary: Culture is now recognized as a key driver of inclusive sustainable development, as recently evidenced in the UN Pact for the Future. However, culture remains sidelined in discussions and policies on the financing of sustainable development. A more systematic integration of culture into financing frameworks – spanning domestic public resources, private sector investments, development cooperation and trade – is fundamental for accelerating the implementation of 2030 Agenda and for advancing sustainable development in the post-2030 agenda, including through culture as a stand-alone goal.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; Domestic and International Private Business and Finance; International Development Cooperation​



"Closing the Global SDG4 Financing Gap: Accelerating Sustainable Financing Solutions for Education"

Summary: This policy brief explores the urgent need to close the global education financing gap to meet SDG4 targets by 2030. With a shortfall of US$97 billion annually in low- and lower-middle-income countries, the lack of adequate public funding threatens broader development goals like poverty reduction, social stability, and climate action. The brief calls for long-term sustainable financing solutions, including increasing domestic resource mobilization, enhancing international cooperation, addressing debt distress, and further scaling innovative financing, to ensure equitable access to quality education and drive long-term socioeconomic progress.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; International Development Cooperation; Systemic Issues​



"Forced Displacement - Comprehensive Finance for Affected Countries"

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Action Areas: International Development Cooperation, Cross-Cutting Issues



"Financing in Fragile and Humanitarian Settings" 

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; International Development Cooperation; Cross-Cutting Issues​



"Unlocking Financial Stability through Intensified South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Innovative Solutions for Debt Relief and Development Finance" 

Summary: The global financial system faces critical challenges, particularly for developing countries, including debt crises and financing gaps. Intensified South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTrC) can offer innovative policy solutions. Recommendations include scaling up debt management strategies, upscaling innovative solutions, strengthening regional development banks, and creating regional infrastructure bonds to pool risks and lower borrowing costs. Expanding contingency financing mechanisms and establishing data-sharing platforms are essential for financial stability. FFD4 presents a key opportunity to advance these SSTrC-driven initiatives for sustainable development.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; International Development Cooperation; Systemic Issues​



"Reducing the Social Protection Financing Gaps to Achieve Multiple SDGs and Realize the Right to Social Protection"

Summary: This brief highlights the importance of financing social protection to achieve multiple SDGs and realize the right to social protection. It outlines key solutions for financing social protection
systems, emphasizing the need to prioritize social protection spending within government
budgets and better coordinate and increase international financial support. It provides
actionable recommendations, including enhanced spending, progressive and effective taxation,
and global financial mechanisms to address persistent coverage gaps and ensure adequate
social protection for all.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; International Development Cooperation; Cross-Cutting Issues​



"Better Monitoring of Health Spending to Advance Toward UHC"

Summary: This brief offers a global overview of health spending and highlights the critical role of health expenditure data in shaping policies to achieve the SDG health targets. It calls on countries and global partners to strengthen health expenditure tracking via health accounts to improve policymaking, enhance transparency, and promote accountability.

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Action Areas: Domestic Public Resources; Data, Monitoring and Follow-up; Systemic Issues​

World Bank

World Bank

"The Future of Aid: Rebalancing the Global Aid Architecture to Restore Aid Effectiveness"

Summary: This policy brief describes the evolving landscape of the global aid architecture and the critical role of multilateral banks, like IDA, in promoting a more equitable and more effective distribution of resources. It analyzes the need for a rebalancing in the allocation of aid to ensure greater effectiveness and impact. The brief highlights the importance of better funding MDBs, strengthening country ownership, improved collaboration among donors, transparency, and accountability in achieving sustainable development goals.

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Action Areas: International Development Cooperation; Domestic and International Private Business and Finance; Systemic Issues​



"Bridging the Global Trade Finance Gap: Empowering SMEs and Driving Sustainable Growth"

Summary: This policy brief addresses the $1.5 trillion global trade finance gap, which disproportionately impacts small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing economies. It outlines key challenges, including high rejection rates and compliance costs, and proposes targeted solutions such as expanding risk-sharing frameworks, strengthening local financial institutions, and promoting climate-friendly trade finance. The brief emphasizes the need for multilateral cooperation to close the gap, promote inclusive growth, and support the transition to a low-carbon global economy.

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Action Areas: Domestic and International Private Business and Finance; International Development Cooperation; Science, Technology, Innovation, and Capacity Building​