First Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development

Nine years after the historic agreement on financing for development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, United Nations Member States once again convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to renew the push for sustainable development financing and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Faced with sky-high debt burdens and costs of capital, developing countries have limited prospects of financing the Sustainable Development Goals,” stated António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations in a video message to the conference.

He continued: “The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development provides a unique opportunity to tackle these challenges head on. It opens the door for world leaders to adopt ambitious reforms to deliver affordable long-term financing at scale – and deliver the SDG Stimulus. And it presents a unique opportunity to reform an international financial system that is outdated, dysfunctional and unfair.”


Key InformationDSG Speaking at the First PrepCom


Background Notes & Concept Notes

Ministerial Scene Setter (AM) USG Li speaking at First PrepCom

Background Note Concept Note

Ministerial Scene Setter (PM) 

Concept Note

Cross-Cutting Issues 

Concept Note

Domestic & Public Resources

Background Note Concept Note                          

Domestic & International Private Business & Finance      Under Secretary-General of DESA, Li Junhua, speaking at the 1st FFD PrepCom

Background Note Concept NoteDSG Speaking at the First PrepCom - 2                                                 

International Development Cooperation

Background Note Concept Note

International Trade as an Engine for Development

Background Note Concept Note

Debt & Debt Sustainability

Background Note Concept Note

Addressing Systemic Issues

Background Note Concept Note

Science, Technology, Innovation & Capacity Building

Background Note Concept Note

Data, Monitoring & Follow Up                                        

Background Note Concept Note