HLPF side event of the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development

  • Date: 13 July 2018
  • Location: Trusteeship Council Chamber, United Nations Headquarters

The 2018 Financing for Sustainable Development Report of the Inter-agency Task Force includes an exploration of financing opportunities and challenges for the five SDGs under in-depth review at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development: (i) water and sanitation; (ii) affordable and clean energy; (iii) sustainable cities and communities; (iv) sustainable production and consumption patterns; and (v) terrestrial ecosystems. It views these issues through the cross-cutting lenses of gender equality; the commitment to leave no one behind; and the role of new technologies in achieving the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.

The side event will explore implementation of the highlighted SDGs, in the context of a global environment that has seen increased growth and investment but is also marked by significant and growing risks.



Opening remarks: Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under Secretary General, UN-DESA


  • Mr. Navid Hanif, Director, Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UN DESA
  • H.E. Mr. Courtenay Rattray, Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the United Nations
  • Ms. Elissa Golberg, Assistant Deputy Minister for Strategic Policy, Global Affairs Canada

Open discussion, moderated by Mr. Navid Hanif

Initial interventions:

  • Major institutional stakeholders of the Inter-agency Task Force (World Bank, IMF, WTO, UNCTAD, UNDP)
  • Other members of the Task Force
  • Civil society
  • Business sector


Related documents:

2018 Financing for Sustainable Development Report

Concept note and programme

