The UNDESA, UNOPS, UNCDF, NALAS, and GIZ Hybrid Workshop on Municipal Infrastructure Asset Management in South-East Europe was held from 14-17 December in Belgrade, Serbia. More than 25 representatives from municipalities and local government associations from 12 economies across South-East Europe attended the workshop. An innovative hybrid format was implemented to deliver the workshop, in which participants were on-site in Belgrade with local FSDO consultants providing field support, while expert trainers delivered the UN IAM toolkits live online. Training modules included an Introduction to Sustainable IAM, Data for Asset Management, Climate Resilient Asset Management, Strengthening Public Health Emergency Preparedness, and the Enabling Environment.
As a result of the workshop, participants developed multi-year Asset Management Action Plans (AMAPs) for their municipalities. Representatives from across the region expressed their commitment to implement concrete actions considered in their AMAPs to achieve long-term sustainable infrastructure asset management.
More information on Infrastructure Asset Management can be found here. Questions can be sent to iamh@un.org.
Photo credit: Igor Paicevic and Latinka Obradovic