DCF Switzerland High-level Symposium. Development Cooperation in a Post-2015 Era: Sustainable Development for All

Montreux, Switzerland

A universal and unified development agenda…

Extreme poverty, inequality and hunger persist. The world is reaching environmental and social tipping points. A post-2015 development agenda will have two central tasks: (i) completing any unfinished business of the Millennium Development Goals; and (ii) putting the world on a more sustainable development path. The agenda would thus be ‘unified’ in its substantive focus, plus ‘universal’ in its applicability to all countries.

…will have major implications for development cooperation.

What will be the implications for development cooperation? Silos will have to be broken down to ensure integrated action on economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, particularly to support poor and vulnerable communities. A new agenda will have to have poverty eradication and achieving sustainable development, including addressing climate change, at its heart. There is need to assess all available channels of financing, its accessibility and allocation and discuss elements of a global monitoring framework to support implementation.

Focus and objectives of the Switzerland Symposium…

The meeting will stimulate a critical rethinking of the role of development cooperation in the post-2015 era. It will have an open, interactive format, engaging high-level experts from all stakeholder groups: donor and programme countries, Southern partners, civil society, private sector, philanthropic organizations, parliamentarians, local governments and international organizations.

… and the expected outcome

The Switzerland Symposium will contribute to the ongoing discussions on a post-2015 development agenda. It is a key step in the preparations for the 2014 ECOSOC DCF. Related stakeholder events will be held in Montreux on the eve of symposium.

DCF Symposium

Remarks and Presentations

  • H.E. Mr. Néstor Osorio, President of the Economic and Social Council, United Nations
  • Mr. Sven Alkalaj, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • Mr. Thomas Gass, Assistant Secretary-General, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
  • Mr. Bruce Jenks, Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York