Convened by the President of ECOSOC, the 8th biennial High-level meeting of the DCF will take place on 14-15 March 2023. As the UN’s inclusive global platform to discuss trends and progress in international development cooperation, the 2023 DCF will address frontier issues and emerging challenges and refine ideas for scaling up high-quality and high-impact development cooperation for immediate term recovery and long term resilience building. Putting the needs and priorities of those with the least resources and weakest capacities at the centre of its efforts, the DCF fuels development thinking and strengthens the linkages between the global policy dialogue and innovation in development cooperation on the ground. It also fosters policy dialogue on South-South and Triangular Cooperation at the national and local (city-to-city) levels and provides a platform for countries in special situations, including LDCs, SIDS and graduating countries, to discuss their development cooperation priorities to mobilize action.
The DCF has a critical role to play in adapting development cooperation to the changing global environment and evolving country needs and priorities. It has a distinctive mandate – originating from the 2005 World Summit and reinforced by the 2030 and Addis Agendas – to enhance coherence, effectiveness, and coordination across the wide range of diverse actors and activities in development cooperation, in all its forms – financing, capacity support, policy change and multi-stakeholder partnerships. The High-level meeting of the DCF is open to all Member States and engages all stakeholders, including civil society, private sector, Parliamentarians, local authorities, international and regional organizations and development banks. Outcomes of the High-level meeting will feed into the 2023 FfD Forum and 2023 HLPF.
Further details on 2023 DCF will be made available shortly.