Seville Spain

Intergovernmental Organizations & UN System

United Nations organizations

United Nations to register system entities are invited to the ECOSOC FFD Forum and Fourth Session of the Preparatory Committee until 21 April 2025 through the Indico platform here.

Kindly convey any questions to


Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations

The registration for sessions of the Preparatory Committee, and the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development will be conducted by the Protocol and Liaison Service via the eRegistration system.


International Organizations with standing invitations to observe the proceedings of the General Assembly and other interested international bodies that were accredited to the previous international conferences on financing for development

Registration for the sessions of the Preparatory Committee, and the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development will be conducted by the Protocol and Liaison Service via the eRegistration system.

Kindly convey any questions to


Non-accredited Intergovernmental Organizations

Please note that the ad hoc accreditation for Intergovernmental Organizations that do not have observer status with the General Assembly of the United Nations closed on 14 March 2025.

Intergovernmental organizations that have received ad hoc accreditation to the FFD process are invited to request the registration link to the ECOSOC FFD Forum and Fourth Session of the Preparatory Committee until 21 April 2025 by messaging