Foundations & Philanthropies

Organizations that have received special accreditation by the United Nations General Assembly to the First session of the Preparatory Committee for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development, or that were accredited to the previous international conferences on financing for development held in Monterrey, Mexico, in Doha and in Addis Ababa or to their follow-up processes. The list of previously and specially accredited organizations to international conferences on financing for development and follow-up processes can be viewedhere 

Accredited Private Sector Organizations are invited to register to the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee through the Indico platform:

Please note that due to capacity constraints, a secondary access ticket may be implemented for the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee. 

Organizations seeking special accreditation to join the Financing for Development process should visit: 

Special Accreditation closes on 4 November.