DCF Side Event at Rio+20 Conference. “The Future We Want: The Role of Development Cooperation in Getting Us There”

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Achieving sustainable development requires a major rethink of the way development cooperation is pursued. Under the theme “The Future We Want: The Role of Development Cooperation in Getting Us There, this side event presents an opportunity to discuss how development cooperation can best support the transition towards sustainable development from a country-level perspective. 

The side event is jointly organized by the ECOSOC President, the Government of Australia and the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs. It builds on key policy messages identified at the DCF High-Level Symposium on “Shaping a sustainable future – Partners in Development Cooperation,” which will be held on 14 and 15 May 2012 in Brisbane, Australia.

The objective of the event is to examine the implications of Rio+20 for the future of development cooperation. It will identify lessons learned and best practices where countries at different stages of development have integrated sustainable development into decision-making principles, processes and institutional mechanisms related to development cooperation. Key questions include:

  • How can development cooperation support countries at different stages of development in implementing policies built on the three pillars of sustainable development?
  • How can donor countries better gear their development cooperation towards the promotion of sustainable development? How can South-South cooperation and support from non-executive actors such as the civil society, the private sector and foundations play serve as a catalyst in putting the development on a more sustainable footing.
  • What are the implications for the future of development cooperation of putting sustainable development at the heart of a post 2015 UN Development Agenda?

The side event will be opened by, H.E. Mr. Milos Koterec, President of the UN Economic and Social Council, and Mr. Sha Zukang, Under Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Secretary-General of Rio+20 and H.E. Mr. Gary Francis Quinlan, Permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations, New York. Distinguished panellists will then set out their experiences in a moderated panel, followed by an interactive discussion with participants.

The outcome of the side event will be a summary. Discussions will further inform a session on implementing the Rio+20 outcomes at the 2012 DCF to be held on 5 and 6 July at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.