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Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation

Per resolution 78/230, the Bureau should be made up of no more than 20 members. It should consist of a chair, vice-chairs, and a rapporteur, elected on the basis of balanced geographical representation and taking into account gender balance, with each of the five regional groups equally represented.

At its Organizational Session, the Committee elected its Chair, 18 Vice-Chairs and Rapporteur. The full list of the Bureau members elected during its Organizational Session, by regional group and with functional titles, is available here.

In advance of its Second Session, some Bureau members resigned in favour of other candidates from their region, in line with rotational arrangements within and between the Asia-Pacific Group (APG) and the Group of Latin America and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC).

At the Second Session, the Committee held by-elections to fill the vacancies for the remaining term, newly electing 6 Vice-Chairs and the Rapporteur. The full list of the Bureau members that are in service as of its Second Session, by regional group and with functional titles, is available here.

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