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Since its inception, the IATF has initiated substantive work streams to carry out in-depth analysis on specific issues of interest to the FfD process. In each of these work streams, the Task Force draws on the combined analytical expertise of its member agencies, through background research, dedicated technical meetings, and engagement with outside experts. Through this collaborative work, the Task Force has become a platform for analysis and an exercise in cohesion of the UN system on financing issues.


Task Force Work Streams

ESG investing and returns

Trade finance gap

Aligning capital markets with sustainable development

Financing social protection floors

Impact of new technologies on labour markets

Illicit financial flows

Infrastructure investments and public-private partnerships

Measuring international public finance (TOSSD)


Work Stream Meeting Summaries


IATF expert group meeting on development banks’ role and risk management (6 December 2018, 9am - 5.30pm, UNHQ)

IATF Technical Meeting: Session on Financial Sector Development (31 October 2018, 9am - 1pm, UNHQ)

IATF Technical Meeting: Integrated national financing frameworks (30 October 2018, 9am - 6pm, UNHQ) 

IATF Technical Meeting: ESG investing and returns (2 October 2018, 9am - 5pm, UNHQ)


IATF Technical Meeting: Investment Incentives (15 December 2017, 10am -1pm, UNHQ)

IATF Technical Meeting: Shocks Financing (7 December 2017, 8.30 am - 4.30pm, UNHQ)

IATF Technical Meeting: Water, Energy, SCP, Ecosystems (1 December 2017, 8am - 5pm, UNHQ)

IATF Technical Meeting: Subnational finance (29 November 2017, 9am -1pm, UNHQ)

IATF Technical Meeting on Trade Finance (16 November 2017, 8:45am - 1.45pm, UNHQ)

IATF Technical Meeting on ‘The impact of new technologies on labour markets and the jobs of the future’. (3 October 2017, 10am - 1pm, UNHQ)

Side Event to the 55th Commission on Social Development on Financing Social Protection Floors (3 February 2017, 1:15pm - 2:30pm, UNHQ)


IATF Expert Group Meeting on Public Private Partnerships (16 December 2016, 9am - 5:30pm, UNHQ)

IATF Meeting on TOSSD (5 December 2016, 10am - 1pm, UNHQ)

IAFT Expert Group Meeting on Financing Social Protection Floors (30 November 2016, 9am - 5:30pm, UNHQ)

IATF expert group meeting on Illicit Financial Flows – mapping out a way forward on tax avoidance and evasion (22 September, 9am - 11:30am, UNHQ)

Side Event on 'Blended Finance in the SDG Era' on the Margins of the 5th Biennial High-level Meeting of the DCF (20 July 2016, 3pm - 5:30pm, UNHQ)

IATF Technical Discussion on a future international metric for development finance - Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) (19 July 2016, 9am - 11am, UNHQ)