INFFs taking off through peer-to-peer learning in Africa


Workshop on Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs) and Open Budgets for Sustainable Development in Africa

FSDO, in collaboration with UN ECA, UNDP, UNICEF and the International Budget Partnership (IBP), and with the support from the European Union, delivered the Workshop on Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs) and Open Budgets for Sustainable Development in Africa.  The Workshop was held in Abuja, Nigeria, from 27 to 30 September 2022, within the framework of the INFF Facility and UNICEF-IBP’s regional budget transparency initiative, and was attended by 300 participants from country governments, civil society, and the UN system. Presentations on the latest developments in connection with the tools and capacity development activities carried out by the international community in support of the INFF and budget transparency country processes were followed by open dialogues on the on-going practical experiences from countries in the region implementing such processes. Some of the topics having emerged from the national INFF processes in Africa that were discussed during the Workshop include: climate finance, debt management and debt instruments, practical ways to unlock private capital for investing in sustainable development, tax-related reforms, local finance and decentralization. The Workshop contributed to the enhancement of peer-to-peer exchange learning experiences and to the discussion of South-South cooperation opportunities.  This was done through the ‘market place’ activity, where countries were able to showcase the work they have done by displaying and sharing materials, documents, etc., developed throughout the design and operationalization of their INFFs. Finally, UN ECA and FSDO conducted this activity as part of their joint Tranche 13 DA Project ‘Towards INFF.’

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