Science, technology, innovation and capacity-building

Promoting information and communication technology, access to technology for all and social innovation

In addition to being an important technology sector in its own right, information and communication technology (ICT) is important for linking agents in the innovation system. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda promotes the use of ICT, greater access to technology for all and social innovation.

The Addis Agenda specifically:

Creating a more enabling environment for science, technology and innovation

Efforts to promote science, technology and innovation (STI) are related to other policy efforts, such as competition, education, investment, tax and trade policies. For instance, education policy has a major impact on university research and the availability of highly skilled labour in technology intensive firms. Education policies, the intellectual property rights (IPR) regime and a range of other policies are important contributors to an enabling environment for STI, while the international environment needs to be supportive as well.

National level institutions and mechanisms to strengthen science, technology and innovation

Governments recognized in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda that various mechanisms can be used to incentivize and finance STI, including institutionalized or ad hoc partnerships among relevant stakeholders, innovation funds, business incubators and international support, and support to the traditional knowledge, innovation and practices of indigenous peoples.

The Addis Agenda specifically:

New technologies and financing for development

New and emerging digital technologies have the potential to alleviate key constraints and market failures that impede sustainable development finance, such as weak contract enforcement, cumbersome administrative procedures, and paucity of information and data. They can contribute to reducing inefficiencies and to cost savings across the action areas of the Addis Agenda, but they also raise new challenges and risks for policymakers and regulators.