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International level institutions and mechanisms to strengthen science, technology and innovation

At the international level, countries commit to support the efforts of developing countries to strengthen their scientific, technological and innovative capacity

The Addis Agenda specifically:

  • Enhance international cooperation in these areas, including ODA, in particular to LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS and countries in Africa and encourage other forms of international cooperation in these areas, including South-South cooperation
  • Endeavours to step up international cooperation and collaboration in science, research, technology and innovation, including through public-private and multi stakeholder partnerships, and on the basis of common interest and mutual benefit, focusing on the needs of developing countries and the achievement of the sustainable development goals (e.g. research and development of vaccines and medicines, including relevant initiatives like GAVI; preventive measures and treatments for the communicable and non-communicable diseases; earth observation; rural infrastructure; agricultural research and extension services and technology development; increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacities and transfer marine technology)
  • Endeavours to support developing countries to strengthen their scientific, technological and innovative capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production through science and technology


Latest developments

While there is no internationally agreed measure of official development assistance (ODA) for science, technology and innovation (STI), estimates show a sharp increase in such funds since 2014. ODA for STI has outpaced total ODA growth since 2014, indicating increased donor commitment to this area. ODA for STI to LDCs also increased in recent years, doubling between 2016 and 2018, albeit from low levels.

ODA flows to developing countries targeting science, technology and innovation activities, 2000–2018

(Billions of United States dollars)

International level institutions and mechanisms to strengthen science, technology and innovationSource: UN DESA, based on OECD/DAC.

Read more on the latest trends by the Task Force here.

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