Tax Trust Fund

The United Nations helps developing countries in mobilizing their resources and strengthening their tax policy and administration, with a view to supporting their implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development. 

Supporting the UN work on tax matters requires stepped-up human and financial resources to carry out activities, produce deliverables and meet member States’ expectations, especially in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 response and recovery and efforts to accelerate SDG progress and climate action.

The Trust Fund for International Cooperation in Tax Matters was established in July 2006 (ECOSOC resolution 2006//48), in order to support the activities of the UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters. It is part of the Trust Fund to support activities for the Follow-Up to the International Conference on Financing for Development, administered by the Financing for Sustainable Development Office. 

The Trust Fund now seeks voluntary contributions, in order to support a multi-donor-funded project, launched in June 2019, on providing effective substantive support to the UN Tax Committee, its subcommittees and related capacity development. Currently funded by Norway through its Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the project aims at bringing about a more inclusive, strategic and effective approach to the Committee’s work, with larger developing country participation and greater impact at the country level in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The project design is guided by its intended impact: to ensure that international cooperation and policy guidance on tax matters increasingly respond to the needs of developing countries, enabling them to increase their mobilization of domestic revenues and adapt their fiscal policies in line with the 2030 and Addis Agendas. 

Specific activities of the multi-donor project encompass, among others, organization of meetings of the Tax Committee and its Subcommittees, and the design and implementation of tailored capacity development initiatives, through workshops, online learning, technical cooperation missions and materials. These aim at facilitating the dissemination of the outputs of the UN Tax Committee to a large number of beneficiaries in developing countries, for greater impact.

For more information on funding requirements or to make a contribution, please contact Mr. Navid Hanif, Director, Financing for Sustainable Development Office.