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Development at the local level & the domestic enabling environment for trade

The Addis Ababa Action Agenda acknowledges the importance of policy coherence on trade at all levels for maximizing trade’s contribution to sustainable development. At the national level, it asserts the importance to strengthen domestic enabling environments and implement policies conducive to increasing trade’s contribution to inclusive growth and sustainable development.

In the Addis Agenda, Governments:

  • Commit to strengthen domestic enabling environments and implement policies conducive to realizing the potential of trade for inclusive growth and sustainable development

Update from the 2018 Financing for Sustainable Development Report

Strengthening the network of trade and investment supportive institutions (TISIs) that facilitate international business transactions can contribute to improving the international competitiveness of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), which in turn can help address the challenges facing equitable distribution of trade gains. These TISIs, such as chambers of commerce, business associations and export promotion agencies, play a critical role in enabling MSMEs to access market information and networks and to improve their capacity to comply with international standards— necessary aspects of conducting business in international markets. It is estimated that each additional dollar invested in a national trade promotion organization would generate $87 worth of exports and $384 of additional GDP per capita.