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Data on cross border financing and domestic resource mobilization

The Addis Ababa Action Agenda aims to improve data availability on specific issues.

The Addis Agenda specifically:

  • Calls on relevant institutions to strengthen and standardize data on domestic and international resource mobilization and spending, as well as data on other means of implementation
  • Requests the Statistical Commission, working with relevant international statistical services and forums, to facilitate enhanced tracking of data on all cross-border financing and other economically relevant financial flows that brings together existing databases


Latest developments

The Group of Twenty (G20) Data Gaps Initiative (DGI) aims to address important data gaps in the financial sector that were revealed by the 2008 world financial and economic crisis. As the Initiative is approaching its completion date in 2021, countries have advanced in closing data gaps and moved closer to the goal of implementing regular collection and dissemination of reliable and timely statistics for policy use. During 2019, important progress was made on: the work on financial soundness indicators (FSIs); derivatives data, with ongoing work on governance arrangements for Unique Product Identifiers (UPI); actions to reduce barriers to over-the-counter derivatives trade data reporting; and on reporting on sectoral accounts, international investment position, securities statistics, international banking statistics, and government finance statistics.

Read more on monitoring the financial sector here.