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Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2022

2022 fsdr cover

Full report:

 2022 FSDR Report | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (


Press release (12 April 2022):

2022 FSDR Press Release | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (

UN: “Great finance divide” amid COVID-19 poses major setback for sustainable development | Financing for Sustainable Development Office

 联合国:COVID-19新冠疫情大流行期间的巨大财务鸿沟对可持续发展造成重大挫折 | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (

ONU: La “gran división en el financiamiento” en medio de la COVID-19 implica un importante retroceso para el desarrollo sostenible | Financing for Sustainable Development Office

ONU : « Le grand fossé financier » en plein COVID-19 constitue un revers significatif pour le développement durable | Financing for Sustainable Development Office

Vereinte Nationen: “Große Finanzkluft” inmitten der Corona-Krise bedeutet schweren Rückschlag für nachhaltige Entwicklung | Financing for Sustainable Development Office


Note by Secretary-General:

م كت م األمي العام*: تمويل التنمية المستدامة (E/FFDF/2022/2) | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (

秘书长的说明: 可持续发展筹资 (E/FFDF/2022/2) | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (

Note by the Secretary-General: Financing for Sustainable Development (E/FFDF/2022/2) | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (

Записка Генерального секретаря: Финансирование устойчивого развития (E/FFDF/2022/2) | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (

Nota del Secretario General: Financiación para el desarrollo sostenible (E/FFDF/2022/2) | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (


Data update following release of 2021 ODA data (22 April 2022):

Official development assistance rose to its highest level in 2021 but is not enough | Financing for Sustainable Development Office (

Developing countries still have to regain lost ground from the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has put more countries at risk of debt distress, constrained their fiscal space and hampered economic growth. The war in Ukraine is exacerbating all these challenges. In this context, the 2022 Financing for Sustainable Development Report identifies a “great finance divide” – the inability of poorer countries to raise sufficient resources and borrow affordably for investment.

The great finance divide leaves developing countries unable to respond to crises and invest in sustainable development. On average, developed countries use 3.5 per cent of revenue to pay interest on their debt, versus 14 per cent of revenue for the least developed countries. About 60 per cent of LDCs and other low-income countries are now assessed at a high risk of or in debt distress, double the 30 per cent in 2015. The Ukraine conflict is compounding stresses, through higher energy and commodity prices, renewed supply chain disruptions, higher inflation coupled with lower growth, and increased volatility in financial markets.

The 2022 FSDR recommends three sets of actions that can help to make progress in bridging the finance divide. First, the report calls for urgent measures to address financing gaps, rising costs of borrowing and heightened debt risks. There is a need to increase public financing for investment in public policy priorities and effectively spend mobilized resources on the SDGs and productive investment. The international community should work to reduce borrowing costs and volatility from commercial sources; and address debt overhangs to reduce debt burdens.

Beyond urgent actions, all financing flows must be aligned with sustainable development. We must address climate change and inequalities head on to preserve economic prospects. Finally, enhanced transparency and a more complete information ecosystem will strengthen the ability of countries to manage risks and use resources well and in line with sustainable development.

Additional Materials:

FSDR 2022 Highlights

FSDR 2022 Key Messages

Preparatory Process


Position paper received from external stakeholders*:

NGO Committee on Financing for Development submission to the 2022 IATF Report

CS FfD Group Comments on 2022 FSDR

IATF Public Briefing – CS FfD Group

*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the papers are those of the authors from external stakeholders and do not reflect the official position of the Task Force members.


The 2022 Financing for Sustainable Development Report: Bridging the Finance Divide identifies a “great finance divide” – the inability of poorer countries to raise sufficient resources and borrow affordably for investment. This contributed to developing countries being unable to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and will hold them back from responding to new crises and investing in sustainable development. Developing countries need reliable and affordable financing to invest in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).