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DCF Survey


Literacy Project in Gao

Happening now: the 2024-2025 DCF Survey is currently in progress. We are actively engaging with developing countries to gather their inputs, which will inform the DCF Survey Study. The study's findings are set to be released ahead of the the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development.

Through the DCF Survey, the realities and concerns of developing countries are brought in a tangible way into high-level intergovernmental processes of the United Nations, such as the Development Cooperation Forum, the High-level Political Forum and the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development. The Survey results will also inform evidence-based and forward-looking discussion on international development cooperation in support of an ambitious outcome to the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) on 30 June- 3 July, 2025 in Spain.

FAQ sheet on the 2024 DCF Survey available here in English, Spanish and French.



The biennial Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Survey exercise serves to monitor, review and document the evidence on the state of play in effectiveness of development cooperation on the ground in responding countries.  Detailed analyses of findings are used to generate practical recommendations for policy makers and practitioners at the global, regional, national and subnational levels, and are made available in the biennial DCF Survey Study, as well as country profiles.

Findings generated by the Survey data help to boost the overall quality, impact and effectiveness of development cooperation, generating insights helping developing countries – and their partners -- to adapt to new risks and realities. Participation can also facilitate countries’ preparation of Voluntary National Reviews and inform the design and implementation of Integrated National Financing Frameworks.  

WHY – Monitoring and review processes help countries and their development partners reach commitments together. Regular and inclusive monitoring and review of international development cooperation can build trust and promote mutual learning. It can bring about better results for sustainable development.

WHAT – Since 2008, UNDESA undertakes biennial surveys for the DCF on progress in national mutual accountability and transparency. 

HOW – Participating countries structure their assessment around five key enablers of effective development cooperation and their development cooperation ecosystems: 

  • National development cooperation policies (NDCPs)
  • Country-driven results frameworks (CRFs)
  • National development cooperation forums (NDCF)
  • Development cooperation information systems (DCIS)
  • Capacity support.



The 2022 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Survey Study: Navigating COVID-19 recovery and long-term risks was launched in July 2022, on the margins of the 2022 High-level Political Forum on sustainable development. 

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