Infrastructure Asset Management
Infrastructure asset management (IAM) can improve the capacity of local and national governments to undertake sustainable, inclusive development. IAM entails a systematic approach to managing assets – over entire life cycles and within a broader asset portfolio. It ensures that initial public investments in infrastructure are not wasted and that they adequately serve communities for generations to come.

Tax Cooperation
This United Nations collection of capacity development tools, activities and other resources on international tax cooperation has been developed as a result of a unique collaborative engagement between government representatives from developing countries, members of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters (the Committee), a diversified group of world-renowned experts, relevant international and regional organizations and the Financing for Development Office (FfDO).

Tax Treaties
In October 2011, the United Nations Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters (the Committee) adopted an updated version of the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries (United Nations Model Convention), which provides assistance to developing countries in the negotiation of modern bilateral double-tax treaties reflecting these countries’ current circumstances and policy priorities.

Tax Base Protection
The Financing for Development Office (FfDO) is carrying out a project focused on strengthening the capacity of developing countries to increase their potential for domestic revenue mobilization through enhancing their ability to effectively protect and broaden their tax base.

Tax Administration
The main modality used by the Financing for Development Office (FfDO) to advance its work in this area has been a Development Account project, undertaken jointly with the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations, aimed at strengthening the capacity of national tax administrations (NTAs) in developing countries in Latin America to measure tax transaction costs (TTCs) in small and medium enterprises.

Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing refers to the mechanism by which cross-border intra-group transactions are priced. In itself, it is a normal incident of multi-national enterprise (MNE) operations – for example, it allows MNE to determine which parts of the group are profit- or loss-making.

Risk-Informed Development Cooperation
Through policy dialogue and the biennial DCF Survey exercise, UNDESA is responding to the needs identified by Member States for strengthened capacity support for developing countries to design risk-informed and data driven development cooperation strategies and policies to address short-term crises and build long-term resilience.