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Financing Social Protection Floors

As part of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, Member States committed to a new social compact. This compact contains two components: a commitment to deliver social protection systems and measures for all, including floors; and a package of essential public services. While there is some overlap of these two areas, social protection generally refers to cash transfers and social insurance, such as adequate pensions for older persons, and essential public services include the provision of basic social services, such as health care and education. The primary responsibility for implementing this social compact is with national governments. However, paragraph 12 of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, on “delivering social protection and essential public services for all” contains a commitment by Member States to “strong international support” for the policies enumerated in the paragraph and to “explore coherent funding modalities to mobilize additional resources, building on country-led experiences.” The purpose of this workstream is to explore coherent funding modalities for the social protection floor component of the social compact.

Related Links

Financing social protection floors brief

FfDO working paper II.A/2: Social Protection Floors in the Financing for Development Agenda

Final summary of the side event to the 55th Commission on Social Development on financing social protection floors (3 February 2017, 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm, UN Headquarters, New York)

FfDO working paper II.A/1: Financing Social Protection Floors

Summary of the IATF Expert group meeting on financing social protection floors (30 November 2016, 9 am -5:30 pm, UN Headquarters, New York)