Platform for Collaboration on Tax launches Online Integrated Platform

The Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT) has launched an Online Integrated Platform (OIP) that will offer easy access to information about tax-related projects PCT partners support in various countries.

The OIP is an information integration project and will be continuously fed with information about tax-related projects the different organizations are implementing.

FACTI Panel launches

The High Level Panel on International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity for Achieving the 2030 Agenda (FACTI) launched officially on 2 March 2020 at United Nations headquarters. 

Speaking at the launch’s opening, President of the UN General Assembly Mr. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande described the overarching goal of the Panel’s work: “Our aim is to contribute to efforts which will enable the global economic and financial systems to work better for everyone, everywhere,” he said.

2020 Financing for Development Forum to take new format, SDG Investment Fair cancelled due to COVID-19

In response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the annual ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development originally scheduled for 20-23 April, will be held in a new format.

A brief, virtual informal meeting will be convened on 23 April 2020 to acknowledge the outcome document on Financing for Development. Due to the lack of adequate technical solutions at this time, the outcome document will likely be adopted by silence procedure. At a later date, a very brief, formal meeting of the Forum would be convened to “take note” of the decision to approve the outcome document.