SDG Investment Fair 2023

The SDG Investment Fair will again take place on 18-20 April 2023, alongside the ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum.  Focusing on emerging and frontier markets, the Fair showcases a range of SDG-aligned sustainable investment opportunities in diverse sectors.

As a platform for brokering both deals and sharing knowledge related to SDG financing, representatives from the private sector, the development community, civil society, academia and UN agencies are encouraged to participate.



26th Session UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters

The UN Tax Committee strengthens international cooperation on tax matters, domestic and international, with a special focus on needs and capacities of developing countries in this area. It generates practical guidance for governments, tax administrators and taxpayers to strengthen tax systems for sustainable development.

Committee meetings are open to participation by observers from Member States and other stakeholders, including international and regional organizations, academia, civil society, and the private sector.