What Does the SDGI Fair offer for Countries?
A platform for showcasing SDG investments to global impact investors. The Fair offers space to present SDG investment projects and to benefit from one-on-one investor exchanges, knowledge sharing, and technical assistance.
A network of SDG investors and key players. Develop public private partnerships with a wider network of impact investors from the financial sector, development agencies and advisory partners, including members of the Global Investors for Sustainable Development GISD Alliance (link to GISD website). https://www.gisdalliance.org
A tailored SDG roadmap. Benefit from technical assistance to map the specific SDG needs of your country and develop corresponding investment opportunities and raise awareness to a growing pool of investors seeking opportunities to make a positive impact, mitigate systemic risks and meaningfully contribute to achieving the SDGs.
What Does the SDGI Fair offer for Investors?
Access to a growing pipeline of SDG projects with significant growth potential. One third of the SDGI Fair’s project portfolio is in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), 30% of the over $50 billion investment portfolio is focusing on Clean Energy (SDG 7), impacting SDG 13 (Climate Action) and 50% is concentrated on sustainable infrastructure & transport (SDGs 9 &11), impacting SDG 8 (Economic Growth & Decent Work).
SDG Investment Visibility. Join the growing community of SDG impact investors be a part of the conversation to find sustainable long-term investment opportunities & solutions.
Public-Private Partnership mobilization and dialogue on concrete SDG partnership and investment opportunities.
Direct dialogue opportunities with high level government representatives as well as access to unique information on the specific SDG needs and opportunities across all regions.
What Does the SDGI Fair offer for Policy Makers?
Access to SDG data tracking and a growing pipeline of SDG projects.
Direct dialogue opportunities with SDG impact investors and high-level government representatives on the specific SDG investment opportunities and development financing mechanisms.
Be part of the conversation on overcoming obstacles to streamlining PPP to accelerate SDG investment.
Pre-register now for in-person or online participation to reserve your spot and stay updated with the latest news on the 2024 SDGI Fair!