Promoting dialogue among cities and regions on managing infrastructure for sustainable development | Financing for Sustainable Development Office

Promoting dialogue among cities and regions on managing infrastructure for sustainable development

Dates of Online Solutions Dialogues

Registration is now open for the online solutions dialogues (OSDs) on Infrastructure Asset Management. Beginning 9 February, UN/DESA and UNCDF will deliver a series of regional online trainings for Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. (See image for specific dates and times.)

The OSDs aim to raise awareness and create a common understanding of infrastructure asset management at local and national levels. Their structure and content draw on the recent UN/DESA and UNCDF publication Managing Infrastructure for Sustainable Development: A Handbook for Local and National Governments.

Without a framework for managing assets, initial investments into infrastructure risks become obsolete and fall short of the many benefits they could bring to present and future generations. Meanwhile, systematic, long-term asset planning yields positive signals to citizens and public, private, domestic or foreign investors, helping governments to mobilize the resources needed for sustainable development.

Government officials, along with their partners and other stakeholders, are invited to participate in the workshops. They will learn the central tenets of IAM (Round 1), building blocks of an asset management information system (Round 2) and key considerations for strengthening infrastructure in the midst of climate and public health crises. (Round 3). Each workshop will span two days.

Leading the sessions will be experts and practitioners from various professional backgrounds and parts of the world. Participants will gain practical knowledge on a comprehensive toolkit of asset management practices. They also have the opportunity to engage in group discussion and activities that foster exchanging experiences and identifying ‘solutions’ to common issues facing their infrastructure assets.

The OSDs will assist local and central governments in promoting actionable policies, plans and programmes that capitalize on the strong links between sound asset management and achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development. Even simple changes in their current understanding, policy and practice can generate quick wins felt throughout the community.

Participants in the OSDs will also receive a certificate and be eligible for further technical assistance if they attend all three rounds of workshops for their region.

Register for any or all three rounds of workshops here: