Glossy version of the summary and key recommendations available in English here.
Miss a panel discussion? Watch recordings of each session here:
- Day 1 (AM): Opening (with special remarks and keynote address) + panel discussion on "Navigating the risk landscape through development cooperation
- Day 1 (PM): Panel discussion on "Strengthening health systems in vulnerable countries"
- Day 2 (AM): Panel discussion on "Development cooperation in addressing the dual challenge of pandemic recovery and the climate emergency"
- Day 2 (PM): Panel discussion on "Regional cooperation to support science, technology and innovation in the COVID-19 period" + Closing (with special remarks)
WHY — The 2021 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) advanced international development cooperation that reduces risk, enables recovery and builds resilience in the COVID-19 period and beyond. Watch the DCF spotlight video and see what some of the leading development actors and thinkers have to say about the future of development cooperation in this Decade of Action for the SDGs.
WHEN — 6 to 7 May 2021. The 2021 DCF was the DCF's 7th biennial high-level meeting since its creation by world leaders in 2005.
HOW — The DCF is the principal global platform for policy dialogue on development cooperation. Discussions are reality-based, action-oriented and results-focused.
WHO — Convened by the President of ECOSOC, the Forum is open to all Member States and engages all stakeholders, including civil society, private sector, Parliamentarians, local authorities, international and regional organizations and development banks.
- Multi-stakeholder dialogue in a digital time: Strengthening CSOs' enabling environment (Thursday, 6 May 2021, 7:30 - 8:50 am NY time) [Event page] [Recording] [Key messages]
- Development cooperation for sustainable infrastructure asset management (Thursday, 6 May 2021, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm NY time) [Concept Note] [Recording]
- 2020 SG Report on trends and progress in international development cooperation [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
- Full study and policy brief: Risk-informed development cooperation and its implications for ODA use and allocation
- Policy brief: Integrated approaches to climate action and disaster risk reduction.
- 2020-2021 DCF Think Piece Series
- Additional resource materials for 2021 High-level Meeting from DCF network
- Review the discussions from the 2020-2021 DCF webinar series here and here and here.
- View previous DCF outcomes
- Explore recent DCF events and symposiums
The DCF Secretariat in UNDESA supports analytical work and outreach, high-level symposiums, expert meetings and other events in preparation for the 2021 DCF and for wide dissemination in the UN and beyond.
The President of ECOSOC, Member States, Secretariat, and other key stakeholders work to promote DCF messages and concrete policy recommendations on an ongoing basis, at global, regional, country and local levels.
UN General Assembly mandates ensure that the work of the DCF directly informs the global reviews by the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development and the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development.
Read the June 2020 edition of the DCF newsletter here. Please click here to subscribe to the DCF Newsletter.
Due to COVID-19, the ECOSOC Bureau deferred the 7th High-level Meeting of the DCF from 2020 to the 2021 session of ECOSOC.