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International Development Cooperation
International Development Cooperation
Official development assistance (ODA) remains key to financing the Sustainable Development Goals. International public finance catalyses resource mobilization from other sources, both public and private. Despite international commitments by developed countries to commit 0.7 percent of GNI to development assistance, ODA has globally declined. Development cooperation has evolved significantly, with growing contributions from the South, the private sector, foundations, civil society and local governments. Development cooperation stakeholders will need to rapidly adjust to the increasingly complex and diverse development landscape to achieve the 2030 Agenda and leave no one behind.
UN Photo
International Development Cooperation

Official development assistance (ODA) remains key to financing the Sustainable Development Goals. International public finance catalyses resource mobilization from other sources, both public and private. Despite international commitments by developed countries to commit 0.7 percent of GNI to development assistance, ODA has globally declined. Development cooperation has evolved significantly, with growing contributions from the South, the private sector, foundations, civil society and local governments. Development cooperation stakeholders will need to rapidly adjust to the increasingly complex and diverse development landscape to achieve the 2030 Agenda and leave no one behind.

International Development Cooperation
UN Photo

International Development Cooperation