Launch of the 2020 DCF Survey Study: Toward effective development cooperation in the Covid-19 period
Friday, 10 July 2020 (8:00 - 9:45 a.m., New York time)
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READ the 2020 DCF Survey Study here!
WATCH the full recording of the presentation and interactive discussion here!
WATCH Norway's video remarks for the launch/webinar of the 2020 DCF Survey Study here.
COVID-19 is endangering lives and livelihoods, with impacts that will be felt in our societies, economies and ecosystems for years to come. Now is the time to lean in to international development cooperation and collaboration. Advancing development cooperation that is risk-informed and climate-smart will be vital to build back better. Moving forward, development cooperation in all its forms should be adapted to ensure that it reduces risk, enables recovery and builds resilience.
To this end, the 2020 DCF Survey Study takes a fresh look at the enablers of effective development cooperation and their potential import in Covid-19 response and recovery. The Survey features a distinctive approach, organized around five enablers: (i) national development cooperation policies; (ii) country-driven results frameworks; (iii) national development cooperation forums; (iv) data and information systems for development cooperation; and (v) capacity support.
The 2019/2020 DCF Survey was rolled out before the COVID-19 pandemic, against a global backdrop of increasing diversity of development cooperation actors; growing complexity of disaster and climate-related risks; and new challenges to global cooperation. The 2020 DCF Study, which unpacks the survey results, follows up with a sample of countries to explore the early impact of the pandemic on development cooperation and generate insights into how development cooperation could effectively support long-term recovery and resilience- building.
This virtual launch of the DCF Survey Study welcomes all stakeholders, including survey participants, experts and civil society representatives, to begin engaging on key findings of the latest DCF Survey. Participants will discuss the practical recommendations generated by the study and how they can assist policy makers and practitioners in recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic, to advance risk-informed, climate-smart development cooperation to achieve sustainable development.
Read more about the DCF Survey Study here.
Questions or comments? Please contact us at dcf@un.org.