This training workshop was organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in collaboration with the Council of Governors (CoG).
The main objective of this workshop was to increase the capacity among newly elected local government officials from different municipalities in Kenya, who are involved in managing infrastructure assets, on the implementation of infrastructure asset management toolkits of the Handbook (UN Handbook on infrastructure asset management) in support of sustainable development.
This workshop was aimed for newly elected local government officials, on applying UN toolkits on Infrastructure Asset Management, with an emphasis on further developing and implementing of Asset Management Plans.
A first training of trainers workshop had already taken place in Kenya in December 2022. However, recent elections marked the end of the second generation of County Governments (2017 - 2022) and nine years of implementation of devolution. The elections saw the emergence of new county leadership, consequently leading to changes in the County Directorate and Municipal Managers. It is critical that the appointed County Directorate and Municipal Managers regain the same level of understanding as their predecessors, hence this training was directed at them. Guidance was also based on diagnostic assessments in nine municipalities, which have taken place in the months prior to the workshops.
Currently, county governments are working on their Asset Management Action Plans, with champions being nominated by each county government to coordinate subsequent AMAP implementation and liaison with the UN system. AMAPs are planned to be endorsed by the end of June and incorporated in the annual budget.