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Training and Peer Learning workshop on Infrastructure Asset Management for local and central government officials in Nepal

Chitwan, Nepal

Training and peer learning workshop on applying UN toolkits on Infrastructure Asset Management for local and central government officials in Nepal, organized by Town Development Fund, Nepal, in partnership with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).

The main objective of this workshop is to increase the capacity among central and local government officials in Nepal on the implementation of infrastructure asset management toolkits of the Handbook (UN Handbook on infrastructure asset management) in support of sustainable development. The workshop is primarily targeted at central and local government officials from different municipalities in Nepal who are involved in managing infrastructure assets.

Workshop participants can access all the workshop material here.

Workshop participants are kindly asked to complete the post workshop evaluation.

Please find the UN IAM Handbook in English here and the first three Chapters in Nepali here

There is also a ressource site for IAM Nepal, which you can access here.