Development Cooperation Forum

Dates announced for 8th Biennial meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF)

Convened by the President of ECOSOC, the 8th biennial High-level meeting of the DCF will take place on 14-15 March 2023. As the UN’s inclusive global platform to discuss trends and progress in international development cooperation, the 2023 DCF will address frontier issues and emerging challenges and refine ideas for scaling up high-quality and high-impact development cooperation for immediate term recovery and long term resilience building.

DCF collaborates with IATI on enhancing development cooperation information systems for emerging risks

DESA's Financing for Sustainable Development Office (FSDO) will contribute to the IATI Partner Country Workshop in Kigali, Rwanda, 18-20 May 2022.  The Workshop will be informed by FSDO analysis of the latest trends and progress of international development cooperation, and the recommendations of the DCF Survey on development cooperation data and information systems.

Summary of Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Regional Consultations

Submitted by leach on 25/01/2023

Description:  Building on the findings of the 2020 DCF Survey Study, recommendations of the 2021 DCF high-level meeting and DCF analytical work, DESA organized virtual regional workshops in Asia-Pacific (3 December 2021), Africa (6 December 2021) and Latin America and the Caribbean (9 December 2021) entitled "Understanding an ‘ecosystem’ approach to strengthening effectiveness of international development cooperation." The workshops welcomed development cooperation practitioners to engage in small group discussions on systems thinking, including policies, tools and partnerships that are sup

2023 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) to be held 14-15 March in New York

The 2023 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) High-level Meeting (HLM) will emphasize the human dimension of development cooperation, with a focus on the experiences of people that development cooperation policies and practices are meant to serve.  It will provide a critical platform to shape high-impact development cooperation that responds to multiple crises while maintaining a laser focus on rescuing and realizing the SDGs in their totality.