Development Cooperation Forum

DCF Spotlight Video: The Future of Development Cooperation - 2021 Development Cooperation Forum

The 2021 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) High-level Meeting aims to advance international development cooperation that reduces risk, enables recovery and builds resilience in the COVID-19 period and beyond. Its outcome will shape the role of development cooperation in the Decade of Action for the SDGs.

Listen to leading development thinkers and actors highlight some of the emerging lessons from the pandemic and socio-economic crisis, and which changes and innovations could improve the long-term impact of development cooperation.


Enhancing capacities to reduce risk and build resilience through South-South cooperation

The Financing for Sustainable Development Office and the UN Office for South-South Cooperation recently co-hosted a Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) webinar to focus on how South-South cooperation was building capacities and strengthening the enablers of international development cooperation in a context of complex and emerging risks.