DCF Webinar - South-South Cooperation and the Enablers of Effective Development Cooperation
DCF Webinar on "The Enablers of Development Cooperation: Opportunities to enhance national capacities through South-South Cooperation" (28 October 2020)
DCF Webinar on "The Enablers of Development Cooperation: Opportunities to enhance national capacities through South-South Cooperation" (28 October 2020)
Video remarks as Lead Discussant for the 2020 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Survey Study launch/webinar by Ms. Hege Røttingen, Deputy Director, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Section for Partnerships, Governance and Development Financing
*The production of the 2020 DCF survey study is generously supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Risk-informed development cooperation and global cooperation will be vital in efforts to "build back better" after COVID-19, according to Mr. Navid Hanif, Director of the Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UN DESA. As part of a series on Global Public Investment and the future of foreign aid appearing on the Development Initiatives blog, Mr. Hanif's article describes how COVID-19 has reinforced the need for global cooperation and collaboration.