DCF Webinar co-organized by UNDESA and UNOSSC on “The Enablers of Development Cooperation: Opportunities to enhance national capacities through South-South Cooperation”
28 October 2020, 8:00 – 9:45 a.m. (NY time) on Zoom
Did you miss the discussion or want to know more?
- Read the summary here.
- Watch the video recording here.
- Provide any feedback or suggestions for future webinars here.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the centrality of international development cooperation in reducing risk and building the resilience of developing countries through improved coordination and strengthening national capacities and country systems. Co-organized by UN DESA and UNOSSC, this webinar will provide an opportunity for participants to exchange experiences and learn more about how countries are using South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) to build capacities to reduce risk and build resilience for sustainable development and coordinate action. Participants will also identify opportunities and inspire action for further strengthening and collaboration around the key enablers of development cooperation. The webinar is one in a series of DCF webinars 2020-2021 that focuses on how international development cooperation is adapting to become more responsive to risks and climate-smart while building resilience to potential shocks.
The webinar welcomes all stakeholders, including policymakers, practitioners, experts, civil society, Parliaments, and representatives of local and regional governments, among others.
Speakers included:
- Ambassador Marcela Ordoñez Fernandez, Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia
- Mr. Fred Twesiime, Principal Economist, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda
- Dr. Claire Melamed, CEO, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
- Ms. Angela Bester, Lead Author, 2020 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Survey Study
- Mr. Adel Abdellatif, Director a.i., UN Office for South-South Cooperation
- Moderated by Mr. Navid Hanif, Director, Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UNDESA
Focus of interactive discussion:
- How is South-South and triangular cooperation further enhancing the sharing of knowledge and experience, training, and capacity building to manage and reduce risk and build resilience in the COVID-19 period?
- How can South-South cooperation further contribute to enhancing the enablers of development cooperation throughout recovery efforts?
- How could the contributions of SSTC be scaled up to strengthen national data and information systems and capacities as a key enabler of development cooperation?
Questions or comments? Please contact us at dcf@un.org.
Additional documentation:
- 2020 DCF Survey Study: Toward effective development cooperation in the COVID-19 period
- BAPA+40 outcome document