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2023 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF)

UNHQ, New York
people walking

The official summary of the 2023 Development Cooperation Forum is now available in all UN official languages. [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish].   A glossy version is forthcoming.  

The 2023 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) was held on 14-15 March 2023 in the ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York. 

  • Video recording: Opening, Keynote address and Session 1 on Protecting lives and livelihoods of the most vulnerable for more effective development cooperation
  • Video recording: Session 2 on Scaling up effective development cooperation for climate resilience
  • Video recording: Session 3 on Building momentum for effective social protection measures
  • Video recording: Session 4 on Strengthening capacities to overcoming the digital divide, and Closing

Background material:

Communication and outreach:

Side events

  • 13 March 2023, (10:00 am, NY time, virtual): "Pensar más allá de 2030: Marcos y prácticas de cooperación innovadora desde una perspectiva feminista", virtual event co-organized by Fundación Carolina, Gobierno de Chile, agcidChile, Global Nation & UN-Women (Register) (Flyer)
  • 15 March 2023, (11:30 am - 12:45 pm, Conference Room 2, UNHQ): "Digital empowerment of rural women for resilience to the effects of climate change", co-organized by Government of Guatemala, Universidad de Valle de Guatemala, ACOFOP, FUNDESEM, WFP & UN-Women. (Register)


To navigate the evolving, multiple crises worldwide and rescue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the quality and impact of international development cooperation must be significantlly enhanced.  The 2023 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) emphasized the human dimension of development cooperation, focusing on the lives and livelihoods of people that development cooperation is meant to serve.   It put a spotlight on the distinctive role that risk-informed development cooperation plays in building the resilience of the most vulnerable, including through strengthened support to social protection, climate adaptation and digital transformation. As such and in line with its mandates, the DCF put in place a firm foundation for collective policy actions in 2023, including at the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development, High-level Political Forum on sustainable development, the SDG Summit and the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development, among others.

Since 2008, the DCF has advanced an inclusive, dynamic approach to development cooperation among UN Member States and relevant development cooperation actors.   It is the global platform for evidence-based, balanced and forward-looking discussion of the latest trends, progress, and emerging issues in development cooperation.  By providing all relevant actors a space to identify priorities and share experiences, the Forum strengthens coherence and coordination across diverse development cooperation efforts and modalities.  As a multi-stakeholder platform, the DCF engages government representatives at the ministerial and Director-General levels from all regions, alongside stakeholders from civil society, private sector, philanthropy, local and regional governments, parliaments, international and regional organizations, and development banks.

Photo: Ryoji Iwata/Unsplash